Monday, August 8, 2011

Verso Artist Series E-reader covers

Who makes it: Lightwedge
Review: I really, really love this cover. I was so excited when I got the cover I had to stop everything I was doing and show the blog! It smells amazing (yes I know it's a bit strange). The designs are beautiful and it stopped my kitty from completely destroying my kindle! I do have to say that I think it is a bit tight for the kindles and would most likely fit a Nook better. And I was kind of afraid to twist the cover to the back I didn't want to break such a pretty cover! I may not be big on Pink but that didn't stop me from falling in love with this cover! I also have to say the cover saved my Kindle twice the first time with the cat and the second time from my swim bag. Also the cover to the <<-- Left is what my cover looks like. Go check out these amazing covers if you have an e-book! Then let me know what you think!


  1. New here great blog! Hope you will come visit and follow me too :) Shauna from

  2. Thank you so much! I followed you back!
