Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Pura Vida, jewelry for a great cause!

These Pura Vida bracelets are amazing! I picked them because they all meant something to me and portions went to a good cause, including supporting artists! The top bracelet is for anxiety, the next one is for depression, the next one is the little dipper, then diabetes, lastly is B.E.A.C.H, Marine debris solutions. I have suffered from depression and anxiety for a large portion of my life. Unfortunately, they have controlled a large portion of my life for a very long time. A large portion of my anxiety actually contributes to my migraines and my seizures. As for the little dipper it reminds me of a time when I was younger. I use to look at the stars from my parent back yard. It was one of the most calming things for me other than reading. I love stars and space. Finally diabetes, this is a disease that has affected multiple family members. My great grandmother while she was alive. My grandmother and my brother as well as others. My brother's has gotten so bad that he is now on dialysis at 33(almost 34) and has been for a few years.

For a discount on fantastic jewelry use KATILEAR20 for 20% off on Pura Vida Jewelry.

They have a lot of great jewelry, tote bags and, towels. It is really worth checking out! They have some really cute things, some things are for a really great cause and some things are just great in general! 

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